vineri, 23 noiembrie 2012

Somnoroase pasarele/ Drowsy birds/Szálldos egyre

                                                    Mihai Eminescu

Drowsy birds

Drowsy birds at even gliding,
Round about their nests alight,
In among the branches hiding...
Dear, good night!

Silence through the forest creeping,
Lullaby the river sighs;
In the garden flowers sleeping...
Shut your eyes!

Glides the swan among the rushes
To its rest where moonlight gleams,
And the angels' whisper hushes...
Peaceful dreams!

O'er the sky stars without number,
On the earth a silver light;
All is harmony and slumber...
Dear, good night!

(trad. de Corneliu M. Popescu)

Szálldos egyre ...

Szálldos egyre a fészkére,
Álmos már a kis madárka,
Rejlik bizton lomb ölére -
Jó éjt, drága!

Forrás mély sóhaja hallszik,
Ám a komor erdõ hallgat,
Kertben a virág is alszik -

Tó vizén a hattyú indul
Nád közé, hol elpihenjen -
Védve az ég angyalitul
Aludj csendben!

Szédítõ tündériségben
Kél a hold az éjszakába.
Minden álom s béke minden -
Jó éjt drága!

(Finta Gerõ ford.,1939)

Somnoroase pasarele

Somnoroase pãsãrele
Pe la cuiburi se adunã,
Se ascund în rãmurele -
Noapte bunã!

Doar izvoarele suspinã,
Pe când codrul negru tace;
Dorm si florile-n grãdinã -
Dormi în pace!

Trece lebeda pe ape
între trestii sã se culce -
Fie-ti ângerii aproape,
Somnul dulce!

Peste-a noptii feerie
Se ridicã mândra lunã,
Totu-i vis si armonie -
Noapte bunã!

(1883, în vol. poesii)

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